Monday, August 22, 2011

9/11/2011: Ten years

Sunday, Sept. 11 marks the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. I recall when/where I was when I first heard, and then watching the TV for hours on end and being horrified at the images. The American media is already at work planning special sections, stories, broadcasts, etc. I've tapped into a few experts to see what they have to say and recall. Two professors went to NYC later that day to counsel not only survivors but counselors who had been working with survivors. As Sept. 11 falls on a Sunday, the University will be having a memorial service. Also, an annual event here is the planting of more than 2,700 flags on the campus quad, one flag for each person who died in the attacks.

I've asked Dr. James E. Moore, Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students here, for his thoughts on how college students have been affected by 9/11, from the day it happpened until now. There are professors here who specialize in Islamic theology/philosophy; I'm curious as to what they might have to say on the topic from a variety of perspectives.

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