Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Like clockwork....

Today La Salle hosted its annual Thanksgiving Day dinner for police and firefighters at the 35th police district headquarters. Several TV stations sent cameras to cover the event. Since I've been at La Salle, TV has covered this dinner every year but 2001. I'm still trying to figure out that one....

For those of you who were born before personal computers were a part of our daily lives, and whenwriters worked on something called a typewriter, it took a good deal of time to do several versions of a press release. For instance, La Salle is honoring someone for their charitable work. I'm doing three releases: one for a general audience, one for her hometown newspaper, and one for the paper that covers the city where the charity is based. Thank God for word processors. This way it's possible to get three media hits for one story with a minimum of typing!

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